Fat Loss Programs
Why haven’t you lost weight with all the fat loss programs you’ve done in the past? After all, you did the hours of cardio that the magazines and personal trainers told you to do, right? So why do you still have belly fat?
The answer is too much cardio! Too many folks put all their faith in long, slow cardio workouts to help them burn fat and lose weight. But research, and your experience, shows that even hundreds of hours of cardio does little, if anything, to help most men and women lose weight.
Cardio is just plain terrible for your fat loss programs. No one likes to do cardio, and no one gets results. So why do trainers and magazines keep brainwashing us with more cardio, more cardio, and more cardio?
It’s because they don’t know any better! That’s all they’ve ever been taught, and most trainers keep on creating fat loss programs and weight loss courses based on 5-7 hours of cardio per week.
Try one of the most effective Turbulence Training workouts for FREE!
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But you do NOT have to do all that cardio to lose fat. In fact, you can burn fat and lose inches from your hips, thighs, and belly by doing shorter, less frequent workouts. You’ll drop the long cardio and combine short resistance training and interval training in the best fat loss programs, including the revolutionary Turbulence Training. Doesn’t that sound better?
Research shows that interval training works faster AND better than slow cardio! So here’s how you’ll do your Turbulence Training workouts. First, instead of doing a 5 minute easy warm-up on the treadmill, you’ll do 3-5 minutes of general bodyweight exercises to better prepare your entire body for your fat burning workout.
Next, you’ll do 10-20 minutes of resistance training supersets to sculpt your muscles and reveal your abs while giving you a flat stomach. Resistance training is now included in all of the best fat loss programs from the Biggest Loser to Men’s Health and even Prevention magazine (where you’ll find some of my interval workouts).
After the resistance training, you’ll move on to 15-20 minutes of interval training to burn belly fat. Research from Australia shows that even though interval training workouts are only half as long as long, slow cardio workouts, only interval training actually helps you burn belly fat.
For more details on how to do interval training workouts, grab your copy of Turbulence Training today. You’ll get over 6 months worth of workouts, giving you a step by step, workout by workout, exercise by exercise plan to lose fat every day. That’s why Turbulence Training is one of the most popular fat loss programs in the world.
With over 11,793 Turbulence Training members burning fat everyday, you can be sure that there is someone out there just like you getting results with Turbulence Training.
Plus, when you get started with Turbulence Training, you’ll get 3 months of free social support in the TT members area, where you can ask all your workout questions and get help from your new fat burning friends all over the world.
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WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat.![]() |
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MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. ![]() |
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