Weight Loss Motivation
If you suffer from a lack of weight loss motivation, then this is the most important article you will read in your life. Motivation causes you to drop out of your weight loss program over and over, and keeps you from losing weight and enjoying life. So you MUST conquer a lack of motivation. You must find a way to stick to your weight loss program. Here are the secrets to staying motivated.
The first secret is to set goals. I always like people to set 3 short term goals and 3 long term goals. These goals must be connected to the really deep driving desire that prompted you to want to lose weight in the first place. So if you want to lose weight to find the love of your life then you need to set goals of being able to fit into a size __ dress or pair of pants so that you will look sexy and feel confident again around the opposite sex. Connect your goals with solutions and making your dreams come true.
It is also important to keep your goals around you at all the times as a reminder of what's driving you. If you don't review your goals on a regular basis, you will forget about the deep, driving desire you have. Let's face it, we will both agree that weight loss motivation is connected to a very emotional topic in your life. So you must find all types of ways to keep your goals at the forefront in your mind. I often tell clients to keep a list of their goals in their wallet or pictures of their dream body up on their fridge at home. Use lots of positive reminders of the vision you have of yourself in the future after you have achieved your weight loss.
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Make sure you keep the deadlines in mind as well, because deadlines are a powerful force for helping us take action. Keep a countdown calendar on your desk at work or at home marking off the remaining days until your big event (if there is one connected to your goals). This is a sure-fire way of keeping you motivated for weight loss. You can also keep a reminder of the final event or trigger that finally convinced you to want to make the change in your life and lose weight. Maybe you were fired at work or passed over for a promotion, or perhaps someone made a rude comment that you overhead. Never forget what set your deep, burning desire into motion. That can make for the best motivation, to prove to others that you CAN succeed despite their doubts. And I know you will succeed if you follow a proven, structured weight loss plan.
Of course, no one can force another person to change. So if you are reading this and trying to motivate others to lose weight, you must understand that if the desire to change does not come from within, than there is nothing you can say to convince them otherwise. But if you are trying to lose weight, and you have internal motivation, there is very little that can stop you from succeeding. You are halfway there if you have a deep desire to change. Don't let anyone stop you or get in your way.
That leads us to another secret about motivation. The more you surround yourself with like-minded, positive people, the better your chance of success. You won't be led into temptation if you hang around other people who are focused on losing weight. And if you hang around someone that is successful at losing weight, research shows that you will also have a better chance of losing weight. So get social support, either at your work or gym, or online in the Turbulence Training member's area.
For most people, you will need to get your family involved. Be a good role model for them and ask them to support your weight loss journey. Don't let others get you down or take away your motivation for weight loss. Put these secrets into use and you will lose weight permanently.
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