Interval Training for Weight Loss
Interval training is a top secret training method that the best personal trainers in the world are using for weight loss programs. When someone with a fat loss plateau goes to one of the top personal trainers in the world, chances are they will scrap the long, slow boring cardio workouts of the client and switch them over to high intensity interval training. Research shows that interval training works better - and faster - than slow, boring cardio for weight loss.
But why does interval training work so well for weight loss?
Some folks believe interval training increases metabolism, but recent research is not so clear. You will definitely burn more belly fat with intervals, as a recent research study from Australia observed after giving two groups of women either an interval training or a cardio training program. The interval training group lost more belly fat in half the workout time, as the intervals required only 20 minutes three times per week, but the regular cardio workout required 40 minutes three times per week. It's clear that if given the choice, the best personal trainers, and you, would choose interval training over cardio for weight loss.
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But interval training is a little confusing, at least in terms of why it works. First of all, interval training actually burns fewer calories than a normal cardio session. So on first thought, it would seem that cardio should be the clear winner in a weight loss program. That led to many personal trainers thinking that interval training increased post-exercise metabolism. But as I mentioned, that doesn't seem to be the case. So what is causing interval training to lead to more fat loss?
There's got to be something going on. Now some trainers and researchers are saying that interval training can cause a change in fat burning hormones in the body. In fact, Professor Steve Boucher from Australia says that interval training increases catecholamines (a hormone also known as adrenaline). Adrenaline is not only a fat burning hormone, but also an appetite suppressing hormone, so interval training could have a double weight loss whammy through that hormonal response.
In addition, other researchers and experts agree that interval training's weight loss benefits might have something to do with growth hormone levels. Growth hormone is a powerful fat burning hormone, so powerful in fact that many bodybuilders inject growth hormone (illegally!) to help them with contest weight loss. So does interval training boost fat burning through increased Growth Hormone levels? It is tough to say.
So you know we haven't really found you know the exact key that turns the lock - that is, the specific fat burning benefit of interval training that causes this weight loss. We can't figure out and explain it but we know that we can get in there and get the better results with interval training rather than slow boring cardio. It's kind of interesting if you're a little bit of a science geek like me and you have done some studies on this or been in some studies. I know I've participated in some when I was a student and did a little bit of research when I was a graduate student as well so we're going to find out more and more about this but right now let's say at the very least that interval training is the best weight loss program when compared to normal cardio. Interval training is the hands down choice because you're getting those weight loss results in half the time as cardio.
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WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat.![]() |
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MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. ![]() |
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