Truth About Diets for Weight Loss
The truth about diets, according to me, will surprise many people. Unlike many "gurus" and "politically correct experts", I actually believe that diets DO work. In my opinion, it is not the diets that fail, but the people behind the diets. Most folks don't properly match their personality to the right diet. But if you can do that, you'll prove the truth about diets, that they actually do work for weight loss.
The diets that are safe and have some common sense to them will work, but it is not a one size diet fits all. It's not just one diet. Some people are never going to want to do the 3 meals plus 3 small snacks or 6 mini meals that many diet experts talk about all the time.
Personally, I generally tend to use the 6 mini-meals diet. It suits my personality fine, but others like the intermittent fasting of Eat Stop Eat. Other people will never do a lower carbohydrate diet but some people's personalities will respond really well to that and it's a combination of their personality and their physiology that determines the success of a diet. Simply put, I'm not down on diets. Some of them clearly will work.
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Technically we're all on a diet. Everybody that eats food is on a diet. We all know what we're supposed to do when it comes to diets. We know what we should and should not eat - even a child can tell you that. It's not rocket science. So generally the bottom line is we know what we should do.
But actually doing it is the hardest part, because again, people have not found the right diet for their personality. So there is nothing wrong with trying diet after diet until you find the right one for you. It may take a little trial and error but I really do believe there are some good ones out there and if all else fails I have a very simple 5 step plan for people that want to lose weight.
The first step is to know what you are eating now. You can go to a free website like and enter in your food and it will tell you how many calories you're eating and protein and carbohydrates and fat and fiber.
The second step is to simply improve the quality of your diet. That means eating more whole, natural food, starting with fruits and vegetables and nuts and lean protein sources and then some of the low glycemic index carbohydrates.
The third step is to eat less (but you don't even have to do this step if you start losing weight after improving the quality of your diet). Most people will lose weight going from poor quality diet to a higher quality diet. But if you are not losing weight, you need to cut back your calories by 10%.
The 4th step is to give yourself one reward meal per week. You don't get a reward meal each day, just one per week. And it's not a reward day, just a reward meal. Otherwise, aim for an overall 90% compliance to your diet during each week. That means if you do 6 mini-meals per day, then you're going to have 42 meals per week over 7 days and that means 38 out of those 42 should be according to plan and you have a little error room for 4 of those.
The 5th step is simply being consistent and applying those principles all the time. That could be the biggest one right there. That's the real truth about diets for weight loss.
Being consistent ties back into the personality aspect of the diet. The bottom line is that diets work, and you need to find the right one for you. The other truth about diets is that nutrition is the most important part of fat loss. You can't out train a bad diet. No matter how great your workout program is, if you're eating at McDonalds, eating 4,000 calories per day you'll never change your body.
That's a long answer to the truth about diets, but I feel strongly about the importance of nutrition and I really hope it gives people some optimism if they're struggling with their current diet that there is something out there that I think when it matches their personality with common sense, a diet will work for you.
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