Green Tea Weight Loss
Green Tea is a weight loss scam. It doesn't matter how much Green Tea you drink, or how many Green Tea pills you swallow, you will not lose weight with Green Tea. The research about Green Tea and weight loss sounds good, but when put to the test in the real world, tea, no matter what type, does not cause weight loss or fat burning.
How were people tricked into believing that Green Tea could speed up weight loss?
It all goes back to a research study conducted back in the early 2000's, where a group of young men were put inside a special room for 24 hours. They were given a placebo or a Green Tea supplement, and they stayed in the room for a full day. During that time, researchers measured their metabolism. Obviously, they did the study twice, doing both the placebo and the Green Tea extract conditions.
Lo and behold, the study found that taking the Green Tea supplement helped these young men burn an extra 80 calories per day. Well, whoop dee doo. Eighty calories per day is nothing. If this really worked and was able to help you burn an extra 80 calories per day everyday, it would still take over 42 days to burn approximately 3500 calories, which is the amount of calories in a pound of fat. But that is a really slow rate of fat loss, and you'd hardly notice it. Plus, it is so easy to go 80 calories over your daily calorie limit, that there's no way you would lose weight with Green Tea.
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So in theory, you should be able to get a pound of weight loss every 42 days with Green Tea, but that isn't much fat burning at all. Plus, it is my guess that your body would get used to the effects, and you wouldn't continue to burn 80 calories per day from the supplement. More importantly, there are plenty of studies on caffeine that show it can help you burn more calories everyday, but as the revolving door of Starbucks can show you, just consuming caffeine - as many overweight men and women do every day - is not enough to help you lose weight.
Finally, the last nail in the Green Tea weight loss coffin came from a study published in 2008 showing that 12 weeks of Green Tea supplementation did not result in any weight loss. So while Green Tea has a great theory for weight loss, don't believe the hype. You will not burn belly fat or flatten your stomach just by taking Green Tea extract.
However, there is one way that tea - or water - can help you lose weight, and that is by replacing sodas and juices with calorie-free teas or water. One of the biggest mistakes people make on a fat burning plan is to drink their calories, but if you cut those calories out, you will lose weight fast. So don't expect any weight loss miracles from Green Tea, but if you substitute wisely, you can burn fat with fewer calories thanks to this healthy beverage.
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