Fat Burning System
I have the world's best fat burning system because it is fast, effective, and you can do it in the comfort of your own home. It sculpts your body while burning belly fat in just 45 minute workouts, done only 3 times per week. That is a lot better than doing long, slow, ineffective cardio weight loss programs 5-6 days per week for 90 minutes.
In the past, I've had readers email me and complain that they were doing 7-12 hours of cardio per week and not getting results. Unbelievably, they asked me if they should be doing more! Clearly, they had the wrong type of fat burning system. In fact, they really didn't have a fat burning system at all - just a way to waste a lot of time.
In my weight loss workouts, we follow a proven system based on research and experience, not based on what the equipment makers suggest (so that you buy their treadmills and elliptical machines). In fact, we don't start with a traditional, yet useless, 5 minute walk on the treadmill. Instead, we go right into a properly designed, purposeful bodyweight circuit to correctly prepare the joints and muscles for the upcoming workout.
This isn't just a random act of exercise. We use an easy lower body exercise followed by an easy upper body exercise, and then specific exercises for the back of the legs and back of the upper body to make sure that all of our muscles are ready for the more intense workout ahead.
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After the warm-up, we follow a structured system of supersets. This helps us get more fat burning exercises done compared to the person who just goes in with no plan, and randomly tries to pick exercises along the way. This leads to wasted time and frustration with no results.
The fat burning supersets system used in Turbulence Training cuts workout time in half, if not more. You only use the best fat burning exercises in the TT workouts, and you throw the redundant stuff out the door. Forget about leg extensions, stick to split squats instead. Plus, you pair exercises in my secret "non-competing" superset fashion, so that one muscle group rests while the other works hard. Again, this allows you to get more results done in less time.
After the resistance training fat loss system is done, we move on to the interval training cardio system. This is structured to save time and get massive fat burning results in minimal time as well. Here's how it works. You do a warm-up, and then pick up the pace so that you are going harder than normal cardio. After 30-60 seconds, you decrease the pace to a cool-down pace for 1-2 times the length of the work interval. It sounds crazy, but it works. You do these intervals 6 times, and then finish with a cool-down. It takes only 15-20 minutes, less than half the time of a regular cardio workout, but it works so much better.
That's the fat burning system you need to follow in your workouts. For diet, it's just as simple. Eat only whole, natural foods and avoid anything that comes in a bag or a box. If it has been modified by man, there is no room for it in your fat burning diet. Doing this will naturally cut calories, and you won't have to worry too much about tracking what you eat. It is very hard, impossible really, to eat too much whole, natural food.
Use this time-tested Turbulence Training fat burning system to finally burn your belly fat and get a flat stomach.
Not just random
Exact number of minutes needed
Exact reps
Exact diet, plan shop and prepare
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WOMEN: Click here to discover the truth about cardio for fat loss, and why the two components of short, burst exercise workouts have been scientifically proven to better for fat loss and losing your belly fat.![]() |
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MEN: Click here to uncover the secrets of short workout you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, all while getting in and out of the gym in under 45 minutes only 3 times per week, so that you can get on to more important things in your life. ![]() |
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